Menu Get Menu by passing required parameter.

GET /Menu
Key Value
URL For Get All Menu
APIKey Provided by OVVI
ItemNumber Invetory/Item Number/ID
Note: Pass ItemNumber if you get menu by ItemNumber
  1. public string GetMenu()
  2. {
  3. get
  4. {
  5. string strResult = string.Empty;
  6. try
  7. {
  8. HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("");
  9. request.ContentType = "application/json";

  10. request.Method = "GET";
  11. request.Headers.Add("APIKey", "Provided by OVVI");
  12. request.Headers.Add("ItemNumber", "Item Number");
  13. // Set some reasonable limits on resources used by this request
  14. request.ContentLength = 0;
  15. // Set credentials to use for this request.
  16. request.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
  17. HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
  18. // Get the stream associated with the response.
  19. Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream();
  20. // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format.
  21. StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8);
  22. strResult = readStream.ReadToEnd().ToString();
  23. response.Close();
  24. readStream.Close();
  25. return strResult;
  26. }
  27. catch (Exception ex)
  28. {
  29. strResult = Convert.ToString(ex.Message);
  30. return strResult;
  31. }
  32. }
  33. }
  1. <? xml Version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" ?>
  2. <MenuImport>
  3. <Department>
  4. <DepartmentName> 5BOX </DepartmentName>
  5. <DepartmentId> CHKN </DepartmentId>
  6. <Item>
  7. <Name> 10PC WHT </Name>
  8. <Id> CHKN_0000000001 </Id>
  9. <Price> 16.9900 </Price>
  10. <ModifierGroup>
  11. <Name> Spicy, Original, Mixed? </Name>
  12. <Id> SPECIAL_000018 </Id>
  13. <MinQty> 1 </MinQty>
  14. <MaxQty> 1 </MaxQty>
  15. <ModifierItem>
  16. <Name> Spicy </Name>
  17. <Id> CHKN_0000000060 </Id>
  18. <Price> 2.00 </Price>
  19. </ModifierItem>
  20. </ModifierGroup>
  21. </Item>
  22. <Item>
  23. <Name> Box (6) </Name>
  24. <Id> CHOCOLAT_000021 </Id> <Price> 14.400 </Price>
  25. <Type> Combo </Type>
  26. <SubItem>
  27. <Name> Chocolate </Name>
  28. <Id> CHOCOLAT_000001 </Id>
  29. <Price> 2.30 </Price>
  30. </SubItem>
  31. </Item>
  32. </Department>
  33. <Department>
  34. <DepartmentName> Pizza </DepartmentName>
  35. <DepartmentId> Pizza </DepartmentId>
  36. <PizzaItem>
  37. <Sizes>
  38. <Size>
  39. <Name> 8" </Name>
  40. <Id> PIZZA_000000001 </Id>
  41. <ExtraName> Mini </ExtraName>
  42. </Size>
  43. <Size>
  44. <Name> 12" </Name>
  45. <Id> PIZZA_000000002 </Id>
  46. <ExtraName> Medium </ExtraName>
  47. </Size>
  48. <Size>
  49. <Name> 16" </Name>
  50. <Id> PIZZA_000000003 </Id>
  51. <ExtraName> Large </ExtraName>
  52. </Size>
  53. <Size>
  54. <Name> 19" </Name>
  55. <Id> PIZZA_000000004 </Id>
  56. <ExtraName> Big Boss </ExtraName>
  57. </Size>
  58. </Sizes>
  59. <Sauces>
  60. <Sauce>
  61. <Name> RED </Name>
  62. <Id> PIZZA_000000007 </Id>
  63. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  64. </Sauce>
  65. <Sauce>
  66. <Name> No Sauce </Name>
  67. <Id> PIZZA_000000008 </Id>
  68. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  69. </Sauce>
  70. <Sauce>
  71. <Name> Extra Sauce </Name>
  72. <Id> PIZZA_000000009 </Id>
  73. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  74. </Sauce>
  75. <Sauce>
  76. <Name> Light Sauce </Name>
  77. <Id> PIZZA_000000010 </Id>
  78. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  79. </Sauce>
  80. <Sauce>
  81. <Name> SPECIAL WHITE </Name>
  82. <Id> PIZZA_000000012 </Id>
  83. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  84. </Sauce>
  85. <Sauce>
  86. <Name> NACHO CHZ SAUCE </Name>
  87. <Id> PIZZA_000000013 </Id>
  88. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  89. </Sauce>
  90. </Sauces>
  91. <Crusts>
  92. <Crust>
  93. <Name> THIN </Name>
  94. <Id> PIZZA_000000005 </Id>
  95. <ExtraName> THIN </ExtraName>
  96. </Crust>
  97. <Crust>
  98. <Name> HAND ROLLED </Name>
  99. <Id> PIZZA_000000006 </Id>
  100. <ExtraName> HAND ROLLED </ExtraName>
  101. </Crust>
  102. </Crusts>
  103. <Toppings>
  104. <Topping>
  105. <Name> BACON </Name>
  106. <Id> PIZZA_000000019 </Id>
  107. <ExtraName> </ExtraName>
  108. <PriceMatrix>
  109. <Topping> ONION </Topping>
  110. <Size> PIZZA_000000001 </Size>
  111. <Price> 0.5 </Price>
  112. </PriceMatrix>
  113. <PriceMatrix>
  114. <Topping> ONION </Topping>
  115. <Size> PIZZA_000000002 </Size>
  116. <Price> 0.5 </Price>
  117. </PriceMatrix>
  118. <PriceMatrix>
  119. <Topping> ONION </Topping>
  120. <Size> PIZZA_000000003 </Size>
  121. <Price> 1 </Price>
  122. </PriceMatrix>
  123. <PriceMatrix>
  124. <Topping> ONION </Topping>
  125. <Size> PIZZA_000000004 </Size>
  126. <Price> 1 </Price>
  127. </PriceMatrix>
  128. </Topping>
  129. </Toppings>
  130. <Item>
  131. <ItemName> THE BIG 'O' PIZZA </ItemName>
  132. <Id> PIZZA_000000040 </Id>
  133. <DefaultSize>
  134. <Name> 12" </Name>
  135. <Id> PIZZA_000000002 </Id>
  136. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  137. </DefaultSize>
  138. <DefaultSize>
  139. <Name> HAND ROLLED </Name>
  140. <Id> PIZZA_000000006 </Id>
  141. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  142. </DefaultSize>
  143. <DefaultSauce>
  144. <Name> RED </Name>
  145. <Id> PIZZA_000000007 </Id>
  146. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  147. </DefaultSauce>
  148. <CrustBasedPrice>
  149. <PriceMatrix>
  150. <Crust> THIN </Crust>
  151. <Size> PIZZA_000000001 </Size>
  152. <Price> 6.9500 </Price>
  153. </PriceMatrix>
  154. <PriceMatrix>
  155. <Crust> THIN </Crust>
  156. <Size> PIZZA_000000002 </Size>
  157. <Price> 14.9500 </Price>
  158. </PriceMatrix>
  159. <PriceMatrix>
  160. <Crust> THIN </Crust>
  161. <Size> PIZZA_000000003 </Size>
  162. <Price> 21.9500 </Price>
  163. </PriceMatrix>
  164. <PriceMatrix>
  165. <Crust> THIN </Crust>
  166. <Size> PIZZA_000000004 </Size>
  167. <Price> 26.9500 </Price>
  168. </PriceMatrix>
  169. <PriceMatrix>
  170. <Crust> HANDROLLED </Crust>
  171. <Size> PIZZA_000000001 </Size>
  172. <Price> 6.9500 </Price>
  173. </PriceMatrix>
  174. <PriceMatrix>
  175. <Crust> HANDROLLED </Crust>
  176. <Size> PIZZA_000000002 </Size>
  177. <Price> 14.9500 </Price>
  178. </PriceMatrix>
  179. <PriceMatrix>
  180. <Crust> HANDROLLED </Crust>
  181. <Size> PIZZA_000000003 </Size>
  182. <Price> 21.9500 </Price>
  183. </PriceMatrix>
  184. <PriceMatrix>
  185. <Crust> HANDROLLED </Crust>
  186. <Size> PIZZA_000000004 </Size>
  187. <Price> 26.9500 </Price>
  188. </PriceMatrix>
  189. </CrustBasedPrice>
  190. </Item>
  191. </PizzaItem>
  192. <PizzaItem>
  193. <Item>
  194. <ItemName> BYO PIZZA </ItemName>
  195. <Id> PIZZA_000000041 </Id>
  196. <DefaultSize>
  197. <Name> 12" </Name>
  198. <Id> PIZZA_000000002 </Id>
  199. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  200. </DefaultSize>
  201. <DefaultCrust>
  202. <Name> HAND ROLLED </Name>
  203. <Id> PIZZA_000000006 </Id>
  204. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  205. </DefaultCrust>
  206. <DefaultSauce>
  207. <Name> RED </Name>
  208. <Id> PIZZA_000000007 </Id>
  209. <Region> Entire Pizza </Region>
  210. </DefaultSauce>
  211. <ToppingBasedPrice>
  212. <PriceMatrix>
  213. <Topping> Baseprice </Topping>
  214. <Size> PIZZA_000000001 </Size>
  215. <Price> 1.00 </Price>
  216. </PriceMatrix>
  217. <PriceMatrix>
  218. <Topping> Baseprice </Topping>
  219. <Size> PIZZA_000000002 </Size>
  220. <Price> 2.00 </Price>
  221. </PriceMatrix>
  222. <PriceMatrix>
  223. <Topping> Baseprice </Topping>
  224. <Size> PIZZA_000000003 </Size>
  225. <Price> 3.00 </Price>
  226. </PriceMatrix>
  227. <PriceMatrix>
  228. <Topping> Baseprice </Topping>
  229. <Size> PIZZA_000000004 </Size>
  230. <Price> 4.00 </Price>
  231. </PriceMatrix>
  232. <PriceMatrix>
  233. <Topping> Topping1 </Topping>
  234. <Size> PIZZA_000000001 </Size>
  235. <Price> 2.00 </Price>
  236. </PriceMatrix>
  237. <PriceMatrix>
  238. <Topping> Topping1 </Topping>
  239. <Size> PIZZA_000000002 </Size>
  240. <Price> 3.00 </Price>
  241. </PriceMatrix>
  242. <PriceMatrix>
  243. <Topping> Topping1 </Topping>
  244. <Size> PIZZA_000000003 </Size>
  245. <Price> 4.00 </Price>
  246. </PriceMatrix>
  247. <PriceMatrix>
  248. <Topping> Topping1 </Topping>
  249. <Size> PIZZA_000000004 </Size>
  250. <Price> 5.00 </Price>
  251. </PriceMatrix>
  252. </ToppingBasedPrice>
  253. </Item>
  254. </PizzaItem>
  255. </Department>
  256. </MenuImport>
Xml Node Description
Name Department Name.
Id Department Id.
Name Item name.
Id Unique Id of the Item.
Price Item Price.
Sales Tax Sales Tax in Percentage.
Tax 2 Tax 2 in Percentage if applicable.
Tax 3 Tax 3 in Percentage if applicable.
Type It contains Item type for example - Standard, Combo, Choice, and Pizza.
Name Sub item name.
Id Unique Id of Sub Item.
Price Sub Item price.
Sales Tax Sales Tax in Percentage.
Tax 2 Tax 2 in Percentage if applicable.
Tax 3 Tax 3 in Percentage if applicable.
Name Name of the modifier group.
Id Unique Id of Modifier Group.
Price Price of Modifier Group.
MinQty Specifies the minimum quantity required from Modifier.
MaxQty Specifies the maximum quantity to be added.
Name Modifier Item name.
Id Unique Id of Modifier Item.
Price Price of modifier item.
Sales Tax Sales Tax in Percentage.
Tax 2 Tax 2 in Percentage if applicable.
Tax 3 Tax 3 in Percentage if applicable.
Name Department Name.
Id Department Id.
List of Sizes
Name Size name.
Id Unique Id of the Size.
ExtraName Extra Name of Size.
List of Sauce
Name Sauce Name
Id Unique Id of the Sauce.
ExtraName Extra Name of Sauce.
List of Crust
Name Crust Name
Id Unique Id of the Crust.
ExtraName Extra Name of Crust.
Name Topping Name
Id Unique Id of the Topping.
ExtraName Extra Name of Topping.
Price In Price there are two sub tags. 1). Size and 2). Price Based on the size of pizza it will apply price of the topping.
Name Name of the Pizza Item.
Id Id of the Item.
Sales Tax Sales Tax in Percentage.
Tax 2 Tax 2 in Percentage if applicable.
Tax 3 Tax 3 in Percentage if applicable.
Default Size Default size has three sub tags. 1). Name - Name of the size. 2). Id - Id of the Size. 3). Region - Describes on which part it is applicable. ex. Entire Region,1st half.
Default Crust Default Crust has three sub tags. 1). Name - Name of the crust. 2). Id - Id of the crust. 3). Region - Describes on which part it is applicable. ex. Entire Region,1st half.
Default Sauce Default Sauce has three sub tags. 1). Name - Name of the sauce. 2). Id - Id of the Sauce. 3). Region - Describes on which part it is applicable. ex. Entire Region,1st half.
Default Topping Default Sauce has three sub tags. 1). Name - Name of the sauce. 2). Id - Id of the Sauce. 3). Region - Describes on which part it is applicable. ex. Entire Region,1st half.. Default Topping is optional.
CrustBasedPrice Pizza item has two options. It may be Crust based price pizza and Topping based price pizza. It has Price Maxtrix. It will contain crust name,price and size tag. It describes the price of crust based on the size of the pizza.
ToppingBasedPrice Topping based prices has Price Maxtrix. It will contain topping name,price and size tag. It describes the price of topping based on the size of the pizza.