Submit Order Get Submit Order Details by passing required parameter.

Submit Order
Key Value
APIkey Provided by OVVI    (Pass APIKey in header.)
ClientOrderDetail XML of Order Details.
  1. Note:Pass APIKey in header.
  2.      Pass requried parameter using "form".below is ClientOrderDetail format.
  3. <ticket>
  4. <order_id> 1 </order_id>
  5. <source>
  6. <source_name> Uber Eats </source_name>
  7. </source>
  8. <type> Delivery <type>
  9. <comments><comments>
  10. <customer>
  11. <customer_id> 4 </customer_id>
  12. <phone> 1256125656 </phone>
  13. <firstname> abcd </firstname>
  14. <lastname> efgh </lastname>
  15. <email> </email>
  16. </customer>
  17. <delivery_address>
  18. <firstname> abcd </firstname>
  19. <lastname> efgh </lastname>
  20. <phone> 1256125656 </phone>
  21. <company_name> </company_name>
  22. <line1> sd df sdf </line1>
  23. <line2> sdf dsf </line2>
  24. <city> texas </city>
  25. <state> 1 </state>
  26. <zip> 380043 </zip>
  27. </delivery_address>
  28. <created_timestamp> 2019-03-25T12:17:44.353 </created_timestamp>
  29. <requested_timestamp> 2019-03- 25T12:30:36.798259+05:30 </requested_timestamp>
  30. <items>
  31. <item id= "1" pos_id= "Plates_00000017" pos_name= "24. Mixed Kabab Kings w/ Rice” size_override=" 0">
  32. <name> 24. Mixed Kabab Kings w/ Rice </name>
  33. <firstname> abcd </firstname>
  34. <size> </size>
  35. <quantity> 1.00 </quantity>
  36. <price> 16.63 </price>
  37. <modifiers>
  38. <modifier id= "1" pos_id= "Plates_00000030" pos_name= "Garlic Sauce type=" 0"included=" no">
  39. <name> Garlic Sauce </name>
  40. <price> 0.00 </price>
  41. <quantity> 1.00 </quantity>
  42. <label> </label>
  43. <level> </level>
  44. </modifier>
  45. </modifiers>
  46. </item>
  47. </items>
  48. <subtotal> 30.60 </subtotal>
  49. <tax> 2.52 </tax>
  50. <coupon_name> Garlic Sauce </coupon_name>
  51. <discount> 0.00 </discount>
  52. <deliverycharges> </deliverycharges>
  53. <total> 33.12 </total>
  54. <PaymentType> Cash </PaymentType>
  55. <PaymentStatus> O </PaymentStatus>
  56. </ticket>
Success Response:
Code Content
200 OK {OnlineOrderID : "12004", POSOrderID : "12504"}.
Note: It can return 0 value for POSOrderID if the order XML is submitted successfully and order sent to POS but not processed in a timely fashion. You can check the status of that order later by calling CheckOrderStatus API.
Error Response:
Error Code Error Message Description
404                 API Key not provided. This error comes when the user does not provide API Key.
404 Order details not provided. This error comes when the user does not provide order XML.
400 Invalid API Key. This error comes when the user does not provide valid API Key.
404 Order ID Not Found In XML. Order details XML does not contain an Order ID tag.
400 Item Tag Not Found In XML. Order details XML does not contain Item tag.
400 Order Type Tag Not Found In XML. Order details XML does not contain order type. Valid order types can be TAKEOUT or DELIVERY.
400 First name tag not found. Customer's First name is required.
400 Last name tag not found. Customer's Last name is required.
400 Phone tag not found. Customer's Phone / Mobile number is required.
400 SubTotal tag not found. SubTotal is required.
400 Tax tag not found. Tax is required.
400 Total tag not found. Total is required.
400 Delivery charge tag not found. Delivery charge is required.
400 Payment type tag not found. Payment type is required.
400 Payment Status tag not found. Payment Status is required.
400 Source tag not found. Source is required.
400 Source name tag not found. Source name is required.
400 Source name is empty. Source name should not be empty.
400 Item name tag not found. Item name is required.
404 Item quantity tag not found. Item quantity is required.
400 Item Price tag not found. Item Price is required.
400 POSID Price tag not found. Item tag of Order XML should contain the POS_ID tag which will represent the item code of POS.
400 Created timestamp Tag Not Found In XML. Order details XML does not contain Created timestamp tag.
400 Invalid Date in created time Tag. Order details XML contains the invalid date and time value
Xml Node Description Required/Optional
Order_Id Order_Id contains the Order Id of Online Ordering Platform. Required
Source_Name Name of Source from where the order is generated. Required
Type Type is an Order Type It can be Delivery or Take Out. Required
Comments Order Notes. Optional
Customer_Id Unique Id of the customer. Optional
Phone Contact number of the customer. Required
First_Name First Name of the customer. Required
Last_Name Last Name of customer. Required
Email Email Address Required
Delivery Address
First_Name First Name of the customer. Required
Last_Name Last Name of customer. Required
Company_Name Company name of the customer. Required
Line_1 Address Line 1. Optional
Line_2 Address Line 2. Optional
City City name of the customer. Required
State State name of the customer. State should be state code. For ex. FL,TX. Required
Zip Zip Code of the customer. Required
Created_timestamp Date and time of ordering when order is created. Required
Requested_timestamp Date and time for delivery type order. (Order should be delivered by a defined date and time). Required
Item_Id Unique Id of the item. It also contains the POS_Id of the items and pos_name of the item. Required
Name Item name. Required
Quantity Item Quantity. Required
Price Item price. Required
Comments Item Instruction. Optional
Size Size of Pizza Item. For example <size>8”</size> Optional
Modifier Id It contains the modifier Id. Required if modifiers available
Name Modifier Name. Required if modifiers available.
Price Modifier Price.. Required if modifiers available.
Sales Tax Sales Tax in Percentage. Required if modifiers available.
Quantity Modifier Item quantity. Required if modifiers available.
Label It contains region for modifiers in Pizza items like Whole,1st half or 2nd Half. Required in pizza item
Subtotal Subtotal of the order. Required
Tax If tax is included in the order. Required
Discount If any discount is applied in the order. Required
Total Grand Total of the order. Required
deliverycharges If the delivery charge is applied in the order. Required
PaymentType It contains the payment information like CC,CA. Payment type should be short description provided in payment type API. Required
PaymentStatus PAID or UNPAID. Required
Gratuity Tip amount. Required